Friday, 12 November 2010

Moulin Rouge- Quotes

Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion and technology. It’s hard to locate it temporally and historically, because it’s not clear exactly when postmodernism begins.
(Klages, 2006, 163).

Klages, M., (2006). Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed, London: Continuum International Publishing Group.

'Combining old-style Hollywood glamour, Orphean myth and boulevard farce, "Moulin Rouge" tells the story of … a doomed romance.' (Smith, 2001).
Smith, N., (2001). Review of Moulin Rouge, for the BBC Accessed 5/11/10

The story of Moulin Rouge stems from Orphean myth of a young poet-musician who descended to the underworld in search of ideal love. Nicole Kidman plays Satine, the Sparkling Diamond, star of the Moulin Rouge and the city's famous courtesan. She is caught between the love of a young writer and another man's obsession. Ewan McGregor is the writer, Christian, who finds himself plunged into this decadent world where anything goes -- except falling in love.
(Urban, 2001)

'The main plot of Moulin Rouge is pure cliché…'
(Booker, 2007, 59).

'The film takes its own editing style largely from music videos, epitomizing the use of postmodern editing techniques.'
(Booker, 2007, 58).

Booker, M., (2006). Postmodernism Hollywood: What's New in Film and why it Makes Us Feel So Strange, Westport: Praeger Publishers

Death of the Author was theorized in 1967 by a man named Barthes. He proclaimed that 'anything in culture can be decoded'. (Appignanesi & Garratt 1995 74).

'Postmodernism is fundamentally the eclectic mixture of any traditions with that of the immediate past.' (Jencks 1989 p7)
Jencks, C., (1989). What is Post-Modernism, London: Academy Editions.

Just some quotes I've found which I can use to write my essay.

1 comment:

  1. Quotes! Some great selections in here. Though I reckon there's hundreds more Moulin Rouge one you can get, maybe they wont specifically metion postmodernism but they'll alude to it in someway, sometimes these end up being the most interesting quotes! :)
