Wednesday, 4 November 2009

The Elephant Man- Essay

I've decided to look into the making of 'The Elephant Man' for my essay. The film has became a favourite of mine ever since we first watched it at uni.


  1. Okay - interesting choice... so, you'll need to investigate the production designer/cinematographer; perhaps you'll need to ask questions re. the more surreal aspects of the environments - all that machine imagery, for instance that is juxtaposed with the narrative? Go digging, Charlotte, go find out something interesting stuff about the conceptual relationship between the look of the film and its meaning...

  2. I've reserved a copy of 'The True History of the Elephant Man' to try and see how much of the film is actualy acurate. I've also found a documentry on youtube about the making of the costume of Joseph Merik in the film.
